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Abundant inpeas, apples, carrots and barley.This is beneficial in the sense that it lowers cholesterol. However, driedfruit loses fiber in processing. Weight Loss. Fibercan be divided into two types: Insoluble fiber.Insoluble fiber can be found in various foods such as nuts, wheat branand a variety of vegetables. However, this mayvary depending on age, gender and build. Fiber passes through the stomach to the colon. Fiber is an important part of the day-to-day diet. . Be sure to eat avariety of types of dietary fiber to achieve the best health results. Benefits of a high-fiber dietThe benefits of a diet rich in fiber are widely known. This helps prevent constipation.Fiber has a tendency to make you feel full for a longer period of timeafter eating. Another way toincrease your daily fiber intake is by switching to whole wheat breadinstead of normal white bread. Lower cholesterol levels.Fiber is known to help lower the cholesterol levels. These are only a few of the bene...